How to lose weight? It’s a simple math.

Losing weight is actualy a very simple process, but not an easy one. If you want to lose weight, you HAVE TO FEEL HUNGRY. It’s a simple math. Your body needs to take less calories than it burns in one day. 
When you feel hungry, it means your stomach doesn’t have any food in it so it’s telling your brain to fill it in. This is the moment you get an information that you are hungry. If you listen to your brain, you’ll put additional calories in your body, thus not enabling your body to burn the reserves it has (fat), but receiving additional fat. In the contrary, if you don’t listen to your brain, and continue feeling hungry, your body will spend the reserves and fat stored in your body. And this is how you loose weight! There is no easy way, this is the only way. 
So what level of feeling hungry is normal? Not hungry as shaking and feeling like your’re going to pass out. Just hungry as in - you want to eat something, but just don’t know what. Instead of grabing the first thing that comes in your way (usually a bar of chocollate or chips), try not to eat anything, or just have a glass of water. If you realy feel hungry, eat an apple or a carrot (not a banana as this fruit has a lot of calories). After eating a low calorie fruit, you will feel slightly less hungry, and the feeling will come back quickly. It’s an ongoing process.
You can still have normal breakfast and lunch and no dinner. Keep in mind that both meals need to be with low calorie intake.
And that’s the beauty of losing weight. Models don’t look like they do by allowing themselves to eat everytime and everything their brain is telling to. It’s an everyday battle. And when you reach the desired weight, you can relax and start eating normally (mostly healthy food, of course ;).
